Candidate Scorecard

Below is the Candidate Scorecard as of June 15th. It will be updated as additional responses are received.

Note: Grades are based solely on a candidate’s actions and/or written communications with F.O.A.R. regarding the Meals Tax and associated issues.

Scroll to the right to read comments on grade assignments. 

Name Voted for Meals
Tax Increase?
Pledge Action Grade Comments on Grade Assignment
Candidates for City Council
Dunne, Kevin (R) Signed Both
Clauses of Pledge


* Signed the Pledge without qualification.
* [See signed Pledge.]
Hubbard, Chris (D) Signed Clause 1
and an
Amended Clause 2


* Signed the Pledge
* Amended Clause 2 of the Pledge to read: “Look at reducing the 4% Meals Tax possibly through increase of street parking rates for visitors, in certain appropriate areas.” F.O.A.R. does not support increasing street parking rates, but appreciates Mr. Hubbard’s willingness to further reduce the Meals Tax.
* [See signed Pledge.]
Feely, Matt (D) Did not sign,
Responded by email


* Did not sign the Pledge, but responded with a detailed list of commitments related to our requests.
* [See full response with highlighted commitments.]
Hardwick, Dak (D) Did not sign,
Responded by email


* Did not sign the Pledge, but responded with a detailed list of commitments related to our requests.
* [See full response with highlighted commitments.]
Bennett-Parker, Elizabeth (D) Did not sign,
Responded by email


* Did not sign the Pledge, but responded with a pledge to find alternative ways to fund affordable housing. Without concrete plans, it is unclear how or when that will be executed.
* [See full response with highlighted commitments.]
Jackson, Amy (D) Did not sign,
Responded by email


* Did not sign the Pledge, but responded with comments on transparency/public involvement as well as a moderately specific commitment to find alternatives to the Meals Tax increase.
* [See full response with highlighted commitments.]
Shiffer, Mark (I) Did not sign,
Did not respond


* Did not sign the Pledge, but responded with commitments to ease the burden of the tax and offer a fee rebate.
* [See full response with highlighted commitments.]
Chapman, John (D) Yes Did not sign,
Responded by email
B- * Voted for the Meals Tax increase.
* Did not sign the Pledge, but responded with a detailed list of tasks that he is already undertaking to remedy our concerns.
* [See full response with highlighted commitments.]
Seifeldein, Mo (D) Did not sign,
Responded by email
C * Did not sign the Pledge, but responded that as a business owner, he will be a strong advocate. Without concrete plans, it is unclear how or when that will manifest itself.
* [See full response.]
Smedberg, Paul (D) No Did not sign,
Did not respond
D+ * Voted against the Meals Tax increase but did so because he opposes dedicated tax revenue, not because raising the tax was wrong.
* Supported Mr. Wilson’s alternative, which would have also raised the tax without dedicating the revenue to affordable housing.
* Never responded to F.O.A.R. emails or the request to sign the Pledge
Pepper, Del (D) Yes Did not sign,
Did not respond
D * Voted for the Meals Tax increase.
* Never responded to F.O.A.R. emails or the request to sign the Pledge
Bailey, Willie (D) Yes Did not sign,
Responded by email
F * Voted for the Meals Tax increase.
* Proposed increasing the Meals Tax to fund affordable housing and was the champion of this effort. Inserted the tax increase during the budget add/delete session, when there was no opportunity for public comment and no formal notification.
* We admire Mr. Bailey’s dedication to affordable housing, but he went about this the wrong way—at the expense of restaurant workers, restaurant patrons, and the restaurant and retail communities.
* [See full response.]
—— —— —— —— ——
Aguirre, Canek (D) Did not sign,
Did not respond
Never responded to F.O.A.R. emails or the request to sign the Pledge
Ray, Robert (D) Did not sign,
Did not respond
Never responded to F.O.A.R. emails or the request to sign the Pledge
Candidates for Mayor
Wilson, Justin (D) No Did not sign,
Responded by email
D+ * Voted against the Meals Tax increase but did so because he opposes dedicated tax revenue, not because raising the tax was wrong.
* Proposed an alternative, which would also have raised the tax without dedicating the revenue to affordable housing. He claims this was a “lesser evil” solution, but again, he has never said that raising the tax was wrong.
* Responded to Pledge request that he doesn’t sign pledges as a rule. He made no specific references to the tax or our associated concerns.
* [See full response.]
Silberberg, Allison (D) Yes Did not sign,
Did not respond to request
D+ * Voted for the Meals Tax increase.
* Proposed alternative to Meals Tax increase earlier in the budget process, but it went nowhere.
* Proposed finding alternative funding sources during the budget add/delete hearing but it went nowhere.
* Never responded to emails from F.O.A.R. or the request to sign the Pledge.

Full Text of the Meals Tax Pledge